Author, Collective Bargaining Law in Ohio (West Publishing, 1993). This 788-page treatise frequently has been cited by Ohio's highest courts. Although out of print, it often has been cited by Ohio's highest courts and, when current, was regarded as the definitive text on labor law and impasse resolution in the state.
Associate Editor, Discipline and Discharge in Arbitration (Brand, ed., ABA/BNA Books, Inc., 1998)
Contributing Author, The Common Law of the Workplace: The Views of Arbitrators, Second Edition (St. Antoine, ed., NAA/BNA Books, Inc., 2005)
Board of Editorial Reviewers, How ADR Works (Brand, ed., ABA/BNA Books, Inc., 2002)
Senior Editor, ADR in Employment Law (Feliu, ed., Bloomberg/BNA, 2015)
American Arbitration Association
2018: "Workplace Discrimination: Now and in the 2020s"- AAA Labor Conference
2015: "Avoiding Ten Common Missteps Arbitrators Make"- AAA Continuing Education On-Line Training Program, for Commercial,
Employment and Contruction Arbitrators
National Academy of Arbitrators
2018 Annual Meeting: "Complex Procedural Issues in the Arbitration of Mass Employment Claims"
2018 Fall Conference: "Best Practices in Arbitration"
2013 Annual Meeting, Vancouver: “Employment and Labor Arbitration in the United States”
2011 Fall Meeting, Miami: "Disclosures in Arbitration: Ethical Obligations of the Arbitrator"
2008 Fall Meeting: “Electronic Discovery in Employment Disputes: How Do Courts Do It? Should We Do It That Way, Too?"
2007 Annual Meeting: “Reliance on the Rules of Evidence in Arbitration”
2004 Annual Meeting: “Evidence in Arbitration: Pointers for Advocates”
The Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution Symposium -- Columbus, Ohio
2015: “Challenges in Practice and Procedure: Arbitration”
Law Education Institute/Colorado State Bar Association -- Snowmass, Vail, Colorado
2014: “Mediation – Getting from Settlement to Formal Agreement”
2007: “Corporate ADR Programs: One Size Fits All?”
2006: “Pre-Hearing Processes in Employment Arbitration”
2005: “Fight Nicely: Common Disputes in Employment Arbitration”
2004: “Dealing with Abuses in the Arbitration Process”
2003: “Employment Arbitration: Structure, Law, and Practice”
American Bar Association, Labor and Employment Law Section and Dispute Resolution Section, Webinar Series
2013: "Top Arbitrability Issues for Employment Lawyers"
American Bar Association, Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee of the Labor and Employment Law Section
2013 Midwinter Meeting: "Ethical Issues in Class Action ADR"
2011 Midwinter Meeting: “Handling Discovery Abuses in Employment Arbitration”
2007 Midwinter Meeting: “The Challenges Arbitrators Face When Dealing with Unrepresented Parties”
2005 Midwinter Meeting: “Dealing with Abuses in the Arbitration Process”
2004 Midwinter Meeting: “Issues of Civility and Ethics in Labor and Employment Arbitration, ” “Sanctions in Arbitration”
2003 Midwinter Meeting: “Ethics in ADR: An Update”
2002 Midwinter Meeting: “Ethics in ADR: An Update”
American Bar Association, Labor and Employment Law Section
2010 Annual Meeting: “The Effectiveness of Corporate ADR Programs”
2006 Annual Meeting: “Disclosure in Employment and Labor Arbitration”
2005 Annual Meeting: “Advocacy in Employment Arbitration”
2004 Annual Meeting: “Ethics in Labor and Employment ADR”
2003 Annual Meeting: “Emerging Issues in Arbitration Ethics”
New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, New Jersey State Bar Association
2012: Labor Law Conference: "Arbitration and Social Media"
Labor Arbitration Institute, New York City
2012: "Arbitrating Cases Involving Substance and Alcohol Abuse"
Association of the Bar of the City of New York
2004: “The Use of ADR in Employment Class Actions”
New Jersey Judicial College
2004: “What Judges Need to Know about Arbitration”
University of Louisville Law School, Carl Warns Institute
2006: “Electronic Discovery in Arbitration”
2001: “The Evolving Role of Arbitration in the Workplace”
Pacific Coast Labor Law Conference
2004: “Dealing with Threats and Violence in the Workplace: An Arbitrator’s Perspective”
Georgetown University Employment Law and Litigation Institute
2004: “Effective Advocacy in Employment Arbitration”
American Bar Association, Business Law Section
2004 Annual Meeting: “Arbitrating Employment Claims”
New York State Bar Association, Labor and Employment Law Section
2006 Fall Meeting: “High-Tech Evidence and Discovery in Labor and Employment Arbitration: Some Observations and Suggestions”
2004 Fall Meeting: "Labor Arbitration and Employment Arbitration: Comparisons and Contrasts"
2000 Annual Meeting: "Supreme Court Update"
New York State Bar Association, Municipal Law Section
2005: “The View from the Head of the Table”
ADR in Labor and Employment Law Committee of the ABA Labor and Employment Law Section
2005 Midwinter Meeting: “Discovery in Employment and Labor Arbitration”
2000 Midwinter Meeting: “Employment Arbitration and Labor Arbitration: Similarities and Differences”
ABA Teleconference Series
2005: “The Use and Abuse of Discovery in Labor and Employment Arbitration”
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
2007: 28th Annual Arbitration Symposium, How Arbitrators Rule
"Avoiding Ten Common Missteps Arbitrators Make" (co-author/developer). American Arbitration Association Continuing Education On-Line Training Program for Commercial, Employment, and Construction Arbitrators (2015)
“Commentary: Employment and Labor Arbitration after Pyett," Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Arbitrators (BNA, 2014)
"Electronic Discovery in Employment Disputes: How Do Courts Do It? Should We Do It That Way, Too?" Fall Educational Meeting of the National Academy of Arbitrators (2008)
“AAA’s New Employment Arbitration Rules,” The Practical Lawyer (August 2007)
“The Protocol in Practice: Reflections, Assessments, and Suggested Actions,” Chicago-Kent College of Law Review (Fall 2007)
“Discovery in Arbitration: Arbitral Authority to Direct Discovery and Impose Sanctions,” ABA Telecast, Use and Abuse of Discovery in Employment and Labor Arbitration (December 2005)
“Comparing and Contrasting Employment Arbitration with Labor Arbitration,” American Arbitration Association Neutrals’ Conference (September 2005)
“The View from the Head of the Table: An Arbitrator’s Observations and Suggestions,” The Municipal Lawyer (New York State Bar Association, Winter 2005)
"How and Why to Make an Arbitrator Happy," Newsletter of the Litigation Section, Labor and Employment Law Committee, of the New York State Bar Association (Fall 2005)
“Arbitral Disclosures: Protecting the Process and Giving Meaning to the Right to Choose the Decision-Maker,” Metropolitan Corporate Counsel (November 2003)
“Employment Arbitration: Structure, Law, and Practice,” 2003 National CLE Conference on Labor and Employment Law (LEI, Inc., 2003)
“The Evolving Role of Arbitration in the Workplace,” University of Louisville 2001 Carl Warns Institute (2002)
“Manifest Disregard of the Law: Why Written ‘Reasoned Awards’ Are Preferred in Employment Arbitration,” Conflict Management (ABA Litigation Section, ADR Committee, Spring 2001)
“Arbitrating Wrongful Termination Claims,” Practising Law Institute (2001)
“From the Arbitrator’s Desk,” a quarterly column appearing in the Association for Conflict Resolution Workplace Newsletter (2005 – 2008)